Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter
Mission to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations*

The right to food is a human right recognized under international law, which protects the right of all human beings to feed themselves in dignity, either by producing their food or by purchasing it. FAO plays a vital role in supporting its member States in the design of their food security laws, policies and programmes; it conducts programmes and projects at country level which enable its member States to benefit from its experience; and it generates knowledge that impacts vast areas of thematic debates on global food security. This report explores how the normative and analytical framework of the human right to adequate food is integrated into the activities of FAO, and it identifies areas in which the contribution of FAO to the realization of the right to food could be further strengthened. The recommendations are addressed not only to the FAO Secretariat, but also to FAO member States, institutional bodies and donors, and are intended as a contribution to their ongoing deliberations on ways and means to further strengthen the Strategic Framework and Medium Term Plan 2014-17 for the Organization. As the report highlights, the right to food principles and requirements are essential to attaining the core goals of FAO.

Human Rights Council
Twenty-second session
Agenda item 3

Full Report:

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